Source code for webtraversallibrary.workflow

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The Workflow is the main entry point for using the Web Traversal Library.
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import itertools
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import replace
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union

from selenium import webdriver

from .actions import Abort, Action, Actions, ElementAction, Navigate, Refresh, Revert, Wait
from .classifiers import Classifier
from .color import Color
from .config import Config
from .error import Error
from .geometry import Point, Rectangle
from .goals import FOREVER
from .helpers import ClassifierCollection, FrameSwitcher, MonkeyPatches
from .javascript import JavascriptWrapper
from .logging import setup_logging
from .processtools import TimeoutContext
from .scraper import Scraper
from .selector import Selector
from .snapshot import PageElement, PageSnapshot
from .view import View
from .window import Window

logger = logging.getLogger("wtl")

[docs]class Workflow: """ The Workflow is the main entry point for using the Web Traversal Library. It will handle setup and teardown of all helper classes and appropriate use of the configuration object. Note that you can "run a workflow" manually by creating Window and Scraper objects manually, however this is not recommended for general use. """ SINGLE_TAB: str = "tab" def __init__( self, url: Union[str, Dict[str, str], Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], policy: Callable, output: Path = None, config: Config = None, goal: Callable = FOREVER, classifiers: List[Classifier] = None, patches: Dict[Selector, str] = None, ): """ Create a Workflow and reset it. :param url: Single string, dict mapping tab name to URL, or dict mapping window name to tab: url dict. Each tab name must be unique, even among different windows! :param policy: Function taking workflow and views, returning an action or a list of actions per tab/view. :param output: Path for storing local data (if needed). :param config: Configuration object for this instance. :param goal: Called before each policy call, will halt the workflow if it returns True. :param classifiers: List of classifiers to run on every snapshots. :param patches: A dictionary of selectors to monkeypatch to other destinations. """ setup_logging(log_dir=output if else None) config = config or Config.default() config.validate() self.loop_idx = -1 self.output = output self.config = config self._windows: Dict[str, Window] = {} self.policy = policy() if policy.__name__ == "__wtl_wrapped" else policy self.goal = goal if goal else FOREVER self.preload_callbacks: List[Path] = [] self.postload_callbacks: List[Callable] = [] self._history: Dict[str, List[View]] = {} self._current_tab: str = None self._current_window: Window = None self._has_quit = False self._tabs_cache: List[str] = None self.metadata: Dict[Any, Any] = {} self.monkeypatches = MonkeyPatches(patches) self.classifiers = ClassifierCollection(classifiers) self.previous_policy_result = None # Basic error handling assert self.policy, "Workflow created without a policy!" if assert self.output, "Saving debug output requires specifying an output path!" # Setup starting points if isinstance(url, str): # Convert url type from str to Dict[str, str] url = {Workflow.SINGLE_TAB: url} if isinstance(list(url.values())[0], str): # Convert url type from Dict[str, str] to Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] url = {Workflow.SINGLE_TAB: url} # type: ignore self._starting_url: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = url # type: ignore self.reset() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_, **__): """Calls :func:`quit` unless debug.preserve_window in config is True.""" if not self.config.debug.preserve_window: self.quit()
[docs] @Error.wrapped def run(self): """ Runs the workflow loop! Intializes the tabs to the starting URLs and then calls :func:`run_once` in a loop until the goal function returns True or all tabs have stopped. """ assert not self._has_quit if self.classifiers: self.preload_callbacks.append(Path("js/intercept_event_listeners.js")) try: ctx = TimeoutContext(n_seconds=self.config.timeout) if self.config.timeout else contextlib.nullcontext() with ctx: while self.success: if self.run_once(): break except TimeoutError: logger.error(" timed out!") logger.debug(" completed!")
[docs] @Error.wrapped def run_once(self): """ Runs a single iteration of the WTL flow, i.e. snapshots, runs classifiers, checks goal, computes actions, calls policy, executes actions. Check `loop_idx` member attribute for number of iterations. .. note:: This does not initialize the tabs to their starting URLs. Normally, use :func:`run` instead. :return: The boolean output from the goal function. """ self._populate_tabs_cache() # Perform required snapshotting self.loop_idx += 1 all_views = self._get_new_views() # Stop iterating if we've reached our goal goal_result = self.goal(self, all_views) if isinstance(goal_result, dict): goal_result = goal_result and all(goal_result.values()) if not goal_result: # Query the policy try: policy_result = self.policy(self, all_views) self.previous_policy_result = policy_result policy_stopped = False except StopIteration:"Received StopIteration from policy, will not continue.") policy_stopped = True # Execute actions if not policy_stopped: self._execute_policy_result(policy_result) # Save snapshot to disk if for tab in self.tabs: try: if self.latest_view.snapshot: except IndexError: pass # Stop iterating if goal returned True if goal_result: return True # Abort all remaining tabs if policy is finished if policy_stopped: self._execute_policy_result({tab: Abort() for tab in self.open_tabs}) # Reduce memory usage if keeping a lot of views if self.config.scraping.history and not self.config.scraping.full_history: for tab in self.open_tabs: self.history[-1] = self.history[-1].copy(no_snapshot=True) # Continue if there is still something in the policy return policy_stopped
def _get_new_views(self) -> Dict[str, View]: all_views: Dict[str, View] = {tab: None for tab in self.tabs} for tab in self.open_tabs: # Navigate if neccessary initial_url = self.current_window.navigation initial_action = None if initial_url: initial_action = Navigate(initial_url) self._perform_action(initial_action) # Optimization: Only scrape tab if enforced, action taken, or never scraped before sh = self.history if ( not self.config.scraping.all and self.previous_policy_result and tab not in self.previous_policy_result and sh[-1] and sh[-1].snapshot ): self.history.append(sh) all_views[tab] = sh[-1] continue # Store View all_views[tab] = self._get_new_view(tab, initial_action) return all_views def _get_new_view(self, name: str, initial_action: Action) -> View: # Run postload callbacks for cb in self.current_window.scraper.postload_callbacks: cb() # Scrape the page snapshot = self.current_window.scraper.scrape_current_page() # Assemble basic list of actions action_list: List[Action] = [Abort(), Refresh(), Navigate(), Wait()] action_list += [Revert(step) for step in range(len(self.history))] actions = Actions(action_list) # Setup metadata metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {} if self.config.scraping.history: if self.history and "next_action" in self.history[self.loop_idx - 1].metadata: metadata = self.history[self.loop_idx - 1].metadata.copy() metadata["previous_action"] = metadata["next_action"] else: metadata["previous_action"] = [initial_action] metadata["next_action"] = None # Create view view = View(name=name, snapshot=snapshot, actions=actions, metadata=metadata) # Add state to history if self.loop_idx < len(self.history): self.history[self.loop_idx] = view else: self.history.append(view) # Maintain only one level of history if required ct = self.current_tab if not self.config.scraping.history: for i in range(len(self._history[ct]) - 1): self._history[ct][i] = None # Run element classifiers view.actions.extend(self._run_element_classifiers(snapshot)) # Run page classifiers for classifier in self.classifiers.active_view_classifiers: result = classifier.callback(view) view.tags.update(result) return view def _execute_policy_result(self, policy_result: Dict[str, Union[Action, List[Action]]]): # If a reset action was given, perform it directly revert_actions = [a for a in policy_result.values() if isinstance(a, Revert)] revert_actions.sort(key=lambda a: a.view_index) if revert_actions: self._perform_action(revert_actions[0]) return # Execute other actions in the policy result for tab in self.open_tabs: # Find corresponding actions if tab in policy_result: actions = policy_result[tab] else: keys = [r for r in policy_result if isinstance(r, View) and == tab] if not keys:"No action given for {tab}.") actions = [] else: actions = policy_result[keys[0]] # Execute actions if not isinstance(actions, list): actions = [actions] if actions: for i, action in enumerate(actions): sleep(self.config.scraping.wait_action) if ( isinstance(action, ElementAction) and isinstance(, Selector) and not ): action = action.transformed_to_element(self.latest_view.snapshot.elements) actions[i] = action self._perform_action(action) self.latest_view.metadata["next_action"] = actions
[docs] def create_window(self, name: str) -> Window: """Opens a new browser window and adds it to this workflow. Returns the new window.""" window = Window( config=self.config, preload_callbacks=self.preload_callbacks, postload_callbacks=self.postload_callbacks ) self._windows[name] = window return window
@property def current_tab(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the current tab""" return self._current_tab @property def current_window(self) -> Window: """Returns the window object for the current tab.""" return self._current_window @property def success(self) -> bool: """Returns True if there are any open (i.e. not-cancelled) tabs.""" return any(window.open_tabs for window in @property def tabs(self) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of all tab names.""" return self._tabs_cache @property def open_tabs(self): """Returns a list of all open tab names.""" return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(window.open_tabs for window in @property def windows(self): """Returns a list of all window instances.""" return list(self._windows.values()) @property def history(self) -> List[View]: """ Returns a history of views for the current tab. The view stores previous_action and next_action in its metadata for future resurrection of the workflow. """ ct = self.current_tab if ct not in self._history: self._history[ct] = [] for _ in range(self.loop_idx + 1): self._history[ct].append(View(name=ct, snapshot=None)) return self._history[ct] @property def aborted(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the current tab has been closed.""" return self.current_window.is_closed(self.current_tab) @property def js(self) -> JavascriptWrapper: """Returns a :class:`JavascriptWrapper` associated to the current window.""" return self.current_window.js @property def driver(self) -> webdriver: """Returns the WebDriver instance associated to the current window.""" return self.current_window.driver @property def scraper(self) -> Scraper: """Provides a :class:`Scraper` instance associated to the current window.""" return self.current_window.scraper @property def latest_view(self) -> View: """Returns the latest :class:`View` taken from the current tab.""" return self.history[self.loop_idx] @property def output_path(self) -> Path: """Returns path to output directory for current tab and iteration""" assert self.output, "No output path was specified!" output_path = self.output / str(self.loop_idx) if len(self.tabs) > 1: output_path = output_path / self.current_tab return output_path @property def post_processing_output_path(self) -> Path: """ Returns path to output directory for post processing output. The Workflow does not put anything here itself by default, but this is provided as convenience to the user. """ assert self.output, "No output path was specified!" output_path = self.output / "post" os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) return output_path
[docs] def tab(self, name: str) -> Workflow: """Sets the current tab to the given name.""" if len(self.tabs) > 1 and self._current_tab != name:"> Setting tab: {name}...") self._current_tab = name for window in if self._current_tab in window.tabs: self._current_window = window break self._current_window.set_tab(name) return self
[docs] def window(self, name: str): """Returns the window instance with the name provided when created with :func:`create_window`.""" return self._windows[name]
[docs] def view(self, view: View) -> Workflow: """Sets the current tab to the one where given view was taken from.""" return
[docs] def quit(self): """Cleans up all windows. Call this after you are done! Do not use again after this.""" self._has_quit = True for window in window.quit()
[docs] def frame(self, identifier: str) -> FrameSwitcher: """ Returns a context manager for entering and exiting iframes. See `FrameSwitcher` for more details. """ return FrameSwitcher(identifier, self.js, self.driver)
def _perform_action(self, action: Action): if not action: logger.warning("None given as action") return logger.debug(f"Next action: {action}") try: if isinstance(action, ElementAction): has_element_handle = isinstance(, PageElement) if ( self.config.debug.autoscroll and has_element_handle and (self.config.debug.screenshots or not self.config.browser.headless) ): self.smart_scroll_to( # type: ignore if and self.config.debug.screenshots and has_element_handle: index = 1 + len([s for s in self.latest_view.snapshot.screenshots if s.startswith("action")]) name = f"action{index}" assert name not in self.latest_view.snapshot.screenshots scr = self.scraper.capture_screenshot("action") viewport = self.js.find_viewport() scr.highlight( - viewport.minima, # type: ignore Color(255, 0, 0), f"Action: {action.__class__.__name__}", ) self.latest_view.snapshot.screenshots[name] = scr if self.js.highlight(action.selector, Color.from_str(self.config.debug.action_highlight_color)) if not self.config.browser.headless: sleep(self.config.debug.live_delay) if has_element_handle: patch = self.monkeypatches.check(, # type: ignore if patch: action = Navigate(patch)"Action monkeypatched: {action}") action.execute(self) except NotImplementedError as e: logger.error(e)
[docs] def smart_scroll_to(self, element: Rectangle): """ Uses js.scroll_to in a slightly smarter way to minimize required scrolls and vertically center elements of interest. """ viewport = self.js.find_viewport() y = None if element in viewport: # Element is completely visible already, do nothing pass elif element.height > viewport.height: # Element is larger than viewport, fit as much as possible y = element.y elif element.y < viewport.y: # Element requires scrolling up, make sure it's inside the screen y = element.y elif element.y + element.height > viewport.y + viewport.height: # Element requires scrolling down, try centering it y = element.y + element.height / 2 - viewport.height / 2 if y is not None: self.js.scroll_to(viewport.x, y) sleep(self.config.scraping.wait_scroll)
def _run_element_classifiers(self, snapshot: PageSnapshot) -> List[Action]: action_list: List[Action] = [] for classifier in self.classifiers.active_element_classifiers: subset = snapshot.elements.by_score(classifier.subset) results = classifier.callback(subset, self) if not results: continue if not isinstance(results, dict): results = {"": results} for cls_name, cls_result in results.items(): action_list.extend(self._process_class(classifier, cls_name, cls_result, subset, snapshot)) return action_list def _populate_tabs_cache(self): """Updates the cache used by self.tabs property""" self._tabs_cache = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(window.tabs for window in def _process_class(self, classifier, cls_name, cls_result, subset, snapshot) -> List[Action]: # Add the classifier name as the prefix on multi-class predictions cls_name = f"{}__{cls_name}" if cls_name else binary_filter = isinstance(cls_result[0], PageElement) if cls_result else True if binary_filter: cls_result = [(e, 1.0 if e in cls_result else 0.0) for e in subset] cls_result.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if binary_filter: scaled_result = [value[1] for value in cls_result] else: scaled_result = classifier.mode.scale([r[1] for r in cls_result]) cls_result = [(e, r, s) for (e, r), s in zip(cls_result, scaled_result)] for element, raw_score, score in cls_result: element.raw_scores[cls_name] = raw_score element.metadata[cls_name] = classifier.result_type(score) if classifier.highlight: self._highlight_classifier_result(classifier, cls_name, cls_result, snapshot) if classifier.action: return [classifier.action(element) for element, _, score in cls_result if score] return []
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the workflow. Does not clear any history. """ assert self.config.scraping.history or self.loop_idx == -1, "Cannot reset if config.scraping.history is False!" self.loop_idx = -1 self.previous_policy_result = None # Clear any existing windows for window in if window: window.quit() self._windows.clear() # Create all windows and tabs for window_name, tab_names in self._starting_url.items(): window = self.create_window(window_name) for tab_name, url in tab_names.items(): window.create_tab(tab_name, url=url) self._populate_tabs_cache()[0])
[docs] def reset_to(self, view_index: int): """ Resets the Workflow and replays the first ``view_index`` actions. History in memory will be mutated. Because this resets the `loop_idx` variable to match, saved output will override previous output. """ assert self.config.scraping.history, "Cannot reset if config.scraping.history set to False!" assert 0 <= view_index < self.loop_idx, "Cannot revert into the future or before the beginning of time!" self.reset() self.loop_idx = view_index for tab in self.tabs: self._history[tab] = self._history[tab][: view_index + 1] for i in range(view_index + 1):"Replaying index {i}...") policy_result = {tab:[i].metadata["previous_action"] for tab in self.tabs} self._execute_policy_result(policy_result) self._get_new_views()
def _highlight_classifier_result(self, classifier, title, result, snapshot): # Given a classifier and its output, call highlighting accordingly. # Takes a list of tuples (element, raw_score, score). # Highlights according to the scaled score. do_screenshots = self.config.debug.screenshots if do_screenshots: scr = snapshot.new_screenshot(, of="full") def _highlight(index): element = result[index][0] raw_score = result[index][1] score = result[index][2] if not score: return color = replace(classifier.highlight_color, a=int(score * 255)) self.js.highlight(element.selector, color) score_str = f"{score:.2f} " + (f"({raw_score:.2f})" if isinstance(raw_score, float) else f"({raw_score})") if self.config.debug.live_annotation: self.js.annotate( Point(element.bounds.x + 1, element.bounds.y + element.bounds.height + 10), color, 10, f"{title}: {score_str}", ) if do_screenshots: scr.highlight(element.bounds, color, text=score_str) if isinstance(classifier.highlight, bool): for index in range(len(result)): _highlight(index) elif isinstance(classifier.highlight, int): for index in range(min(classifier.highlight, len(result))): _highlight(index) elif isinstance(classifier.highlight, float): for index, entry in enumerate(result): if entry[2] > classifier.highlight: _highlight(index) else: logger.error(f"Invalid classifier.highlight value in {classifier}")